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2022 Annual Report


 Last updated:  September 13, 2022

NOTE:  For a copy of the most recent plans related to the operation and safety of SCCC, click here.

South Central Career Center prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act.  The full text of this report can be located on our website at under financial aid and consumer information.  This report is prepared by the Adult Education Coordinator (AEC) in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding our campus.  Each entity provides updated information on their educational efforts and programs to comply with the Act.  The report is updated and disseminated to the campus community electronically no later than October 1st.

Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics include those reported to the West Plains Police Department, Howell County Sheriff’s Department, and designated campus officials (including the Director and Adult Education Coordinator). 

Each year, all enrolled students, faculty, and staff  are notified of this website.  Copies of this report may also be obtained at the Main Office for South Central Career Center at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri 65775.  Certain components of this report are also printed in the Adult Student Handbook.


  • Crime statistics are provided for 610 East Olden Street, 403 West Thornburgh, and 407 West Thornburgh Street.
  • There is no evidence regarding statistics manifesting evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
  • Crimes that are categorized according to FBI definitions and statistics have been amended to comply with those definitions.

Annual Summaries:

Reported Crimes




Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter




Negligent Manslaughter
















Statutory Rape








Aggravated Assault








Motor Vehicle Theft








Total Crimes




  Arrests/Disciplinary Referrals




 Liquor Law Violations*




Drug Law Violations*




Weapons Law Violations*





VAWA Offenses




Domestic Violence




Dating Violence








*Campus area includes not only on-campus, but all contiguous, public areas surrounding South Central Career Center property.  Any persons arrested may or may not be associated with South Central Career Center.

**These are academic referrals only; no arrests or police citations were issued.

Hate Crimes (by prejudice)




Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter




Negligent Manslaughter
















Statutory Rape








Aggravated Assault








Motor Vehicle Theft








Simple Assault
















Total Hate Crimes (by prejudice)







Director, South Central Career Center*

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

Adult Education Coordinator

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

Practical Nursing Coordinator

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

Surgical Technology Coordinator

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

*Campus Security Authority Coordinator



Community members, students, faculty, staff, and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to the Adult Education Coordinator in a timely manner. This publication focuses on the Adult Education Coordinator because he/she is the primary reporting official. However, any of the safety authorities could be contacted when incidents, emergencies, or crimes occur.

To report a crime:

For emergencies, dial 911.  For non-emergencies, contact the South Central Career Center office at (417) 256-6152.  Any suspicious activity or person seen in the parking lots or loitering around vehicles, inside buildings or around other campus facilities should be reported to the police department.  In addition, you may report a crime to the following areas:


Director, South Central Career Center

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

Adult Education Coordinator

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

Practical Nursing Coordinator

(417) 255-6152 ext. 4651

Surgical Technology Coordinator

(417) 256-6152 ext. 4651

South Central Career Center encourages anyone who is the victim or witness to any crime to promptly report the incident to the police. Under state law, South Central Career Center cannot hold reports of crime in confidence. Confidential reports of crime may be made to the West Plains Police Department at (417) 256-2244.

All reports will be investigated. South Central Career Center does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential reporting of crime statistics. Violations of the law will be referred to law enforcement agencies. When a potentially dangerous threat to the South Central Career Center community arises, timely reports or warnings will be issued through e-mail announcements, the posting of flyers at local campuses, in-class announcements, or other appropriate means.

SCCC presents information for faculty, staff and/or adult students on a variety of subjects including drug and alcohol abuse education, crime prevention and/or sexual offense awareness and prevention through orientation and the distribution of the adult education handbook.

Numerous community resources and services are available to eligible students and families. These services include recreational opportunities, counseling and medical services, food pantries, rentals, and support services. Please contact the Adult Education Coordinator or building counselor for more information.

Tip: To enhance personal safety, and especially after an evening class, walk with friends or someone from class that you know well, or call the West Plains Police Department for an escort.


During business hours, South Central Career Center will be open to students, parents, employees, contractors, guests, and invitees. During non-business hours access to all campus facilities is by key, if issued, or by admittance via permission of the Director of South Central Career Center. In the case of periods of extended closing, SCCC will admit only those with prior written approval to all facilities.

Some facilities may have individual hours, which may vary at different times of the year. Examples are the Financial Aid office, Practical Nursing facility, and Surgical Technologist facility. In these cases, the facilities will be secured according to schedules developed by the department responsible for the facility.

Emergencies may necessitate changes or alterations to any posted schedules. Areas that are revealed as problematic have security surveys conducted of them. Administrators, custodians, maintenance personnel, security consultants, and other concerned areas may review these results. These surveys examine security issues such as landscaping, locks, alarms, lighting, and communications. Additionally, during the academic year, the Director and/or Adult Education Coordinator meet as needed to discuss issues of pressing concern.

In the event of an actual emergency the campus community will be notified through e-mail, and/or the public address system. Students should take responsibility for regularly checking their e-mail. In order to receive campus-wide e-mail announcements, students must have a school e-mail account, which may be obtained from the Main Office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri.

Instructions for automatic forwarding of e-mail messages from a school account to another account are available from the main office.

Emergency Response

South Central Career Center in coordination with local law enforcement conducts numerous emergency response exercises each year, such as table top exercises, field exercises, and tests of the emergency notification systems on campus. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.

Local law enforcement officers and supervisors have received training in Incident Command and Responding to Critical Incidents. When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are usually the WPPD, Howell County Sheriff’s Department and the Missouri State Highway Patrol, and they typically respond and work together to manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.

General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for SCCC are publicized each year as part of the institution’s Clery Act compliance efforts and that information is available on the SCCC web site.

All members of the SCCC campus community are notified on an annual basis that they are required to notify the West Plains Police Department of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. WPPD has the responsibility of responding to, and summoning the necessary resources, to mitigate, investigate, and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. In addition, the West Plains Police Department has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in fact, pose a threat to the community. If that is the case, Federal Law requires that the institution immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the community that may be affected by the situation.

Notification to the SCCC Community about an Immediate Threat

The administration of South Central Career Center and West Plains School District receive information from various offices/departments on campus, such as the West Plains Police Department, Howell County Sheriff’s Department, Howell County Health Department, Missouri State Highway Patrol, etc. If administration confirms that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the SCCC Community, administration and local law enforcement will collaborate to determine the content of the message and will use some or all of the systems described below to communicate the threat to the SCCC Community or to the appropriate segment of the community, if the threat is limited to a particular building or segment of the population. Administration will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of the first responders (including, but not limited to: WPPD, HCSD, MSHP), compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

In the event of a serious incident that poses an immediate threat to members of the SCCC community, South Central Career Center has various systems in place for communicating information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the SCCC campus community. These methods of communication include network emails, public address system, city warning sirens, etc. South Central Career Center will post updates during a critical incident on the West Plains School District web site at Inquiries may be directed to Director of Communications, West Plains School District, (417) 256-6155 ext. 4500.

Specific individuals who will manage an emergency situation include the superintendent of schools (or designee), the career center director (or designee), and local law enforcement.

Emergency response and evacuation procedures are tested at least once each year. Students learn the locations of the emergency exits in the buildings and are provided guidance about the direction they should travel when exiting each facility for a short-term building evacuation. SCCC does not tell students in advance about the designated locations for long-term evacuations because those decisions are affected by time of day, location of the building being evacuated, the availability of the various designated emergency gathering locations on campus, and other factors such as the location and nature of the threat. In both cases, administration and WPPD on the scene will communicate information to students regarding the developing situation or any evacuation status changes.

The purpose of evacuation drills is to prepare building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of an emergency. At SCCC, evacuation drills are used as a way to educate and train occupants on issues specific to their building. During the drill, occupants 'practice' drill procedures and familiarize themselves with the location of exits and the sound of the alarm. In addition to educating the occupants of each building about the evacuation procedures during the drills, the process also provides SCCC an opportunity to test the operation of warning alarm system components.

Evacuation drills are monitored by the administration to evaluate egress and behavioral patterns. A report is prepared by participating administration which identify deficient equipment so that repairs can be made immediately. Recommendations for improvements are also submitted to the appropriate departments/offices for consideration.

Students receive information about evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures during their first class meetings.

SCCC conducts numerous announced and unannounced drills and exercises each year and conducts follow-through activities designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities. SCCC coordinates announced and unannounced evacuation drills each semester, as described above, to test the emergency response and evacuation procedures, and to assess and evaluate the emergency evacuation plans and capabilities.

Shelter-in-Place Procedures

If an incident occurs and the buildings or areas around you become unstable, or if the air outdoors becomes dangerous due to toxic or irritating substances, it is usually safer to stay indoors, because leaving the area may expose you to that danger. Thus, to "shelter-in-place" means to make a shelter of the building that you are in, and with a few adjustments this location can be made even more secure and comfortable until it is safe to go outside.

If an incident occurs and the building you are in is not damaged, stay inside-seeking an interior room-until you are told it is safe to come out. If your building is damaged, take your personal belongings (purse, wallet, etc.) and follow the evacuation procedures for your building (close your door, proceed to the nearest exit, and use the stairs instead of the elevators). Once you have evacuated, seek shelter at the nearest SCCC building quickly. If police or fire department personnel are on the scene, follow their directions.

A shelter-in-place notification may come from several sources, including the administration, WPPD, faculty and staff members, or other authorities utilizing the school’s emergency communications tools.

No matter where you are, the basic steps of shelter-in-place will generally remain the same. Should the need ever arise, follow these steps, unless instructed otherwise by local emergency personnel: 

  1. If you are inside, stay where you are. Collect any emergency shelter-in-place supplies and a telephone to be used in case of emergency. If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest building quickly or follow instructions from emergency personnel on the scene.
  2. Locate a room to shelter inside. It should be: -An interior room; -Above ground level; and -Without windows or with the least number of windows. If there is a large group of people inside a particular building, several rooms maybe necessary.
  3. Shut and lock all windows (tighter seal) and close exterior doors.
  4. Turn off air conditioners, heaters, and fans.
  5. Close vents to ventilation systems as you are able. (SCCC staff will turn off ventilation as quickly as possible.)
  6. Make a list of the people with you and ask someone (faculty or other staff) to call the list in to WPPD so they know where you are sheltering. If only students are present, one of the students should call in the list.
  7. Turn on a radio or TV and listen for further instructions.
  8. Make yourself comfortable.


In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the Director of South Central Career Center and/or Adult Education Coordinator, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued.  The warning will be issued through the public address system and/or campus email system.

Depending on the particular circumstances of the crime, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, notices will be placed at the front door of each building by SCCC support staff.  Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to law enforcement or the Adult Education Coordinator at (417) 256-6152 or in person at the SCCC Main Office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri 65775.  Timely warnings will be issued at the direction of the administration.


The consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES and ILLEGAL DRUGS on SCCC property is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN and violators will be prosecuted by local law enforcement agencies.

The unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol is prohibited on SCCC property―SCCC property includes West Plains School District owned or leased land, facilities, vehicles and equipment. Prohibited unlawful use includes violation of the Missouri law prohibiting possession or use of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age and all other state and federal laws regulating use, possession or distribution of alcohol or drugs.

Also prohibited are the unlawful or unauthorized use and/or possession of narcotics, drugs, drug paraphernalia and/or other chemicals; the distribution and/or sale of alcoholic beverages and the unlawful or unauthorized distribution and/or sale of narcotics, drugs and/or chemicals. Violations of this policy can result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for students and referral for prosecution. 

Legal Sanctions

Local, state, and federal laws prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs.  Criminal penalties for violation of such laws range from fines up to $20,000 to imprisonment for terms up to and including life.

Health Risks

Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol. Some of the major risks are:

Alcohol and other depressants (barbiturates, sedatives and tranquilizers): Addiction, accidents as a result of impaired ability and judgment, overdose when used with other depressants, damage to a developing fetus, heart and liver damage.

Marijuana: Addiction, panic reaction, impaired short-term memory, increased risk of lung cancer and emphysema (particularly in cigarette smokers), impairment of driving ability.

Cocaine: Addiction, heart attack, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants such as speed and uppers.

Hallucinogens (acid, LSD, PCP, MDMA, etc.): Unpredictable behavior, emotional instability, violent behavior, organic brain damage in heavy users, convulsions, and coma.

Narcotics (Heroin, Demerol, Morphine, Codeine, etc.): Addiction, accidental overdose, and risk of hepatitis and AIDS from contaminated needles.

Inhalants (harmful gasses and aerosols, glue, nitrous oxide, etc.): Loss of consciousness, suffocation, damage to the brain and central nervous system, sudden death, nausea and vomiting, nosebleeds and impaired judgment.

Program Review

South Central Career Center will conduct a biennial review of this program to determine its effectiveness, make changes where necessary, and ensure that it is consistently enforced.

Revision of the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program

Action on any of the above recommendations should be followed by a careful review of the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program by the staff of South Central Career Center for any necessary revisions.  Proposed revisions should then be presented to the Director for approval.


Sexual Offense

If you are the survivor of a sexual offense, contact the Adult Education Coordinator and, as South Central Career Center has no on-campus law enforcement officials, the appropriate police agency. You need not give the name of your assailant and your name should not be released to the press. You will receive information about counseling and medical assistance.

All sexual offenses should be reported to local law enforcement. Should the student desire, the AEC or other SCCC staff members will assist the student in reporting the offense to authorities.

Receiving medical care immediately following a sexual offense is extremely important for the survivor’s well-being. The collection and the preservation of evidence are very important should a victim ever choose to prosecute the offender.

For the physical evidence to be present and useful, the medical/legal exam must be obtained within 48 hours of the assault. If the survivor pursues this course of action, he/she must be informed that the appropriate police agency must be contacted. The AEC will also be contacted and informed of the assault and the identity of the survivor.

As SCCC offers no campus-based housing or facilities other than those offered for educational purposes, we cannot assist victims of a sexual offense with changes in their living situation, but will assist in changes to academic situations if changes are requested by the student and are reasonably available.

The victim of a sex offense may choose to pursue criminal proceedings against the assailant, disciplinary proceedings to be conducted by SCCC or both. A student must contact the AEC to begin disciplinary proceedings.

SCCC will provide a list of available resources (including counseling and mental health services) and educational programs to students and the entire community via under financial aid and consumer information. 

Should a disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator be pursued, both the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during the disciplinary proceeding.

After SCCC has reached a final determination following the disciplinary proceeding with respect to the alleged offense, both the accuser and the accused will be informed of the school’s determination. Both accuser and accused will also be informed of any sanction that is imposed against the accused.

Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed following a final determination of a disciplinary proceeding regarding rape, acquaintance rape, or other forcible or non-forcible sex offenses. Sanctions may include suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement authorities for possible criminal prosecution.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA) of 2000 is a federal law that provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at, or employed at, institutions of higher education. The CSCPA is an amendment to the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Act. The federal law requires state law enforcement agencies to provide South Central Career Center with a list of registered sex offenders who have indicated that they are either enrolled, employed or carrying on a vocation at South Central Career Center.

South Central Career Center provides access to sex offender lists at that provides links to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Registry Sex Offenders List, the Howell County Sex Offender List, and the lists of the surrounding counties as they become available. 

The CSCPA further amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to clarify that nothing in the Act can prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders.

This statement is provided in compliance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000.

Additionally, SCCC provides the following information regarding dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking which area prohibited on campus:

Domestic Violence: The term “domestic violence” includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.

Dating Violence: The term “dating violence” means violence committed by a person— (A) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and (B) where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:

(i) The length of the relationship.

(ii) The type of relationship.

(iii) The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

Stalking: The term “stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to—(A) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (B) suffer substantial emotional distress.

The term "consent" is defined in the following manner: consent or lack of consent may be expressed or implied. Acquiescence does not necessarily constitute consent. Further, consent cannot be construed if:

  1. It is given by a person who is legally incompetent to authorize the conduct charged to constitute the offense and such incompetence is manifest or known to the actor;
  2. It is given by a person who by reason of youth, mental disease or defect, or intoxication is manifestly unable or known by the actor to be unable to make a reasonable judgment as to the nature or harmfulness of the conduct charged to constitute the offense;
  3. It is induced by force, duress, or deception.



Information on financial assistance provided to students

Financial Aid information is contained in Section II of the Adult Education Handbook.  That document is available in the main office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri or online at under the current students tab.  Specific disclosures on any private loans are on file and available in the Financial Aid Office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri.

Information about the school’s academic programs, costs, facilities, and policies

Information regarding academic programs, withdrawal procedures, refunds, return of aid, accreditation, licensure, disabilities, FSA eligibility for study abroad, transfer of credit policies, and contact information can be obtained from the Adult Education Handbook. That document is available in the main office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri or online at  Information on a programs fees, tuition, and book costs can be obtained at the main office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri. 

Information on copyright infringement

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work.  In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties.  In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed.  For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed.  A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees.  For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.  For more information, please see the web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at:

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Student Right-to-Know

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.  Additionally, required information such as completion rates can be found in the Adult Education Handbook.  South Central Career Center’s policy can be obtained in the Adult Education Handbook. That document is available in the main office at 407 W. Thornburgh Street, West Plains, Missouri or online at under the current students tab.



% Completion

% Placement

% Licensure

Auto Body and Collision Repair




Auto Mechanics Technology




Commercial and Advertising Art




Culinary Arts




Practical Nursing*




Surgical Technology*




Welding Technology




Data collection performed during 2021-2022 academic year on 2020-2021 adult student graduates.  Report data extracted from annual report to Council on Occupational Education, the accrediting agency for South Central Career Center. NOTE:  Licensure rates are only provided for programs whose graduates are required to hold a license to practice.

*Practical Nursing and Surgical Technology figures include the last half of the 2020 program and the first half of the 2021 program as the reporting period is from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.